
Whalsay Heritage Centre, Summer 2024: Art Exhibition

During summer 2024, part of our Gadderie art exhibition will be on display at the Whalsay Heritage Centre.  The Centre opens on the 10th April on an ‘Appointment Only’ basis, and will be fully open to the public from the 10th of May.  From then until September the opening times are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 2-5pm.  The Centre also has a Facebook page.

Catriona Macdonald Wave Waulking: video footage and still photographs

We commissioned JJ Jamieson to come along to one of our fulling days and film the movement of cloth underwater.

We later contributed this footage to Catriona Macdonald for use in  the film featured in her performance Wave Waulking which premiered on 12 July 2023 at An Lanntair, Stornoway.

Catriona performing at the premiere of Wave Waulking.  The piano player is Finnish pianist Timo Alakotila. The film maker is Angelica Kroeger.