The artists

Hazel Hughson

Hazel Hughson graduated from Edinburgh College of Art in 1974 in textile art anddesign. Her creative practice broadened to included research and exhibition, various commissions, design for commercial handknitted and industrial knitwear, work in private and public collections, curatorial networks, and a British Council touring exhibition. For Shetland Arts she developed contemporary and indigenous craft, cross-artform projects, and devised and curated exhibitions for Bonhoga Gallery, Shetland. This included the international ‘Portage: Textiles in Extremes of Scale’, and the Nordic themed Textile Festival Exhibition: ‘Lighten’.


Barbara Ridland

Barbara Ridland is a Shetlander who graduated in Drawing and Painting from Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen in 1980. She has been employed as a lecturer in textiles at Shetland College and worked as a sole trader in knitwear design and production. She has a successful track record as a collaborative exhibitor in national and international projects, particularly around the Nordic rim and has exhibited in Shetland, Iceland, Norway, Ireland and elsewhere. Forthcoming exhibitions will be in Shetland and Norway.  She has work in private and public collections.  Her practice uses a range of media in both two and three dimensions, and explores island and northern life.


Joan Fraser

Joan Fraser graduated from Gray’s School of Art in 1994 with a specialism in printmaking.  In a later Masters degree at the same institution she specialised in video and participatory art.  She works in collagraph, monoprint, sound, video and poetry.  Her poetry is mostly in dialect and she won the runner-up award in the 2022 Wigtown Poetry Scots Language Prize.  She has artwork in the Scottish Art in Healthcare collection.


The image of the three artists at Helliness toevakoddi is from a drone video by JJ Jamieson.